Common Defects -Fire Protection
Here are some common items found on a typical inspection

Exposed foam insulation in crawl space
Exposed foam insulation is a Hazard as the fumes given off by exposure to flame are deadly. It must be covered by an approved material such as sheetrock.

Exposed foam insulation at rim joist
Exposed foam insulation is a Hazard as the fumes given off by exposure to flame are deadly. It must be covered by an approved material such as sheetrock.

Smoke and carbon monoxide detectors
Smoke detectors must be properly installed. No part may be closer than 6″ to ceiling / wall junction and no further than 12″. Carbon monoxide detectors are required within 10 feet of all sleeping areas (in hallway outside bedrooms).

House/garage fire separation
There may not be any openings in the house / garage fire separation.